Learning to Love God and Others Well… Luke 10:27…"LOVE WELL""

Posts tagged ‘giveaway’

One Bin Down and One More to Go!

IMAG1341Last night, we had community group at our house. I am LOVING our group…digging into his word, sharing what He is doing in our lives, and just doing life together. One of the couples in our group brought a bag full of Crocs and some clothes for us to take with us for the orphanage and for a family doing mission work there, so now one of our tubs to ALMOST FULL!!! Whoo-hoo!!! I remember last time when we went we brought some shoes in our donation bins and literally the next day, one of the little girls in the orphanage was wearing them! It helps meet everyday needs that I so often take for granted. You guys are awesome and this is such a simple way to love and meet the needs an orphan..a little one…a child from here!

Also, we have a new need for the family doing missions there. They are in need of good Kindergarten Phonics and Math Curriculum. If you have curriculum you are done using and would like to donate it to this sweet family or if you would like to purchase this for them, let me know!

Today is MONDAY! Praying for “M”…please continue to pray for him as we wait to bring him home. For health, for safety, for him to be well loved, for attachment/bonding when we come home, for the adjustment of our other kiddos, for a court date SOON, for God’s provision for the rest of the funds, for donations

Here is an UPDATED Donation List:) Yay!

“M’s” Orphange


-Diapers (all sizes)

-infant formula

-New comfy clothes, sweatsuits, pjs (sizes 12mos-10 yrs)

For this Sweet Family doing Mission Work there

-Good Kindergarten Phonics and Math homeschooling curriculum

-Swim cap/swim toys for their 9 year old daughter they are in the process of adopting

“Love Well Giveaway”

Two and a half weeks left to enter our “Love Well Giveaway” to help bring home our lil guy! So excited!

Click here to enter our “Love Well” Basket Giveaway!!! It includes: TWO…yep 2 LOVE WELL T-SHIRTS (xs, s, m, l, or xl), 1 RED BEAD UGANDAN NECKLACE, 1 LOVE WELL BRACELET, 1 THOUSAND HILLS HOUSE BLEND MED-DARK ROAST WHOLE BEAN COFFEE, FAMILY ROAD MAP! (A $100 value. Basket not included)

-$5 donation gets your name in the drawing 1x

-$10 donation gets your name in the drawing 2x and so forth…So if you are dying to donate $200, your name goes in 40x :)

-Then after you donate, if you repost this link on Facebook, Twitter (@joedmcginnis), or your blog. We will put your name in 1 more time for each! Just post it and leave a comment on this blog post with the link to where you posted it.

-So if you donate $5 and then post it on each social network listed, your name will be entered 4x

We will draw the winner at Midnight EST on Friday, March 15, 2013.